Sticking with Org Mode

I tried moving away from Org Mode four days ago. Doing so required finding replacements for the following:

Sticking with Org Mode

I tried moving away from Org Mode four days ago. Doing so required finding replacements for the following:

  • Email client
  • Task manager
  • Code/text editor
  • Note-taking app
  • Outliner
  • Publishing tool (PDF)
  • Git client
  • Daybook/Journal

I have favorite apps for all of the above, and I love using them, but it means that I end up with my “stuff” spread all over the place. I get hung up deciding where to write things down. Should it be a note in the Things task? or in Bear or just a note in DEVONthink?

In Org Mode I don’t have that problem. Everything is just text and notes, and TODOs can be mixed together any way that suits the task at hand.

Also, Vim keybindings will always be my favorite way to edit text. With Spacemacs and “evil” mode, every bit of text I write can be written using Vim keybindings; Email, notes, git commit messages, everything.

So, after just a few days away, I decided to stick with Org Mode.

Org Mode is weird in that while putting everything in it feels “open” and future-proof, it also sort of locks me in to using Emacs for everything. I’m OK with that, because the everything-in-one-place-ness of it is worth it.

Originally published at