Things installed on 2016 MacBook Pro
Things installed on 2016 MacBook Pro
I get a new laptop every few years. I always start fresh and install everything from scratch. It’s interesting to see what changes and what doesn’t. Most of the things I installed this time are the same as last time. Maybe I really am settling down.
Anyway, here’s what I installed on my new MacBook Pro, in no particular order.
- BBEdit
- iTerm
- Emacs
- TextExpander
- Keyboard Maestro
- 1Password
- Dropbox
- Droplr
- Skitch
- Interarchy
- Moom
- Day One
- Slack
- Dropzone
- Reeder
- Google Chrome
- Acorn
- Soulver
- Alfred
- TheBrain
- Tinderbox
- DEVONthink Pro Office
- Adobe Creative Suite
- Microsoft Office
- Resilio Sync
Command line apps/utilities
- Oh-My-ZSH
- MacTex
- mbsync
- Git
- Vim
- Hugo
- remind
- Wyrd
- Mu/Mu4e
- gnupg2
- pass
- pandoc
- xapian