News Now Summary   Tuesday, July 8

John Huang
AP Photo
Following the Money
A key figure in the campaign finance investigation, fund-raiser John Huang (left), has agreed to testify with a grant of limited immunity, Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio, said today. (FRED THOMPSON BIO) FULL STORY

Sojourner looks out over Ares Vallis
The Wet Planet
The latest images from Mars prove it was once a very wet place. Come along as the Sojourner rover explores the Red Planet. Also, tune in at 4 p.m. EDT for live video of today's NASA news conference on the Pathfinder mission. (LANDING ANIMATION, SLIDESHOW) FULL STORY

NATO Invites New Members
NATO today invited Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic to join the alliance at the end of this century. (AUDIO, COUNTRY PROFILES) FULL STORY

Evacuations in Cambodia
Hundreds of foreigners were airlifted out of Phnom Penh today, as political factions battle for control of Cambodia. (COUNTRY PROFILE, MAP) FULL STORY

Fact of the Day
Up to 9,000 people
a year die as
a result of food poisoning.

SOURCE: Council for Agricultural Science and Technology

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