PJ Parks Communication

One-Stop Hot Link Page

Here's a collection of what we think are some of the best sites on the Web. You'll find a lot of information here so add us to your bookmark list. (That's our way of luring you back here again and again!)

Starting Point. By all means start here, because this site is phenomenal. Not only can you access every publication that's on the Internet, you have access to all the search engines. In our opinion, this is one of the most valuable sites of them all.

Alta Vista. Although you can gain access to this through Starting Point we've included it here because we use it so frequently. Alta Vista was rated by Internet World as the search engine with the most comprehensive results. We agree.

InfoSeek. You can also gain access to this search engine through Starting Point, but we've included it separately because it's another one of our favorites. Internet World rated it as the search engine that provides the most relevant results.

Business Researcher's Interests. This site is invaluable, and includes just about everything. See for yourself just how good it is.

NewsPage. This is one of the Web's leading sources of daily business news, with thousands of categorized news stories updated every day. If it's happening, you'll find it here.

Guerrilla Marketing Online. This site is of particular interest to small business owners and entrepreneurs, but also includes lots of good solid marketing information. If you liked the book Guerrilla Marketing, you'll really like this site. It's updated on a weekly basis, and allows you to subscribe to their regular newsletter.

Digital Librarian. A fantastic resource that includes an unparalleled collection of links.

Style Guide for Using Electronic Resources. An excellent reference for you to use when citing new media sources in research papers or articles (particularly valuable for writers).

Electronic Journals Collection. This site was compiled by the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) and is a great overall resource for research on the electronic media.

Information-Information-Information. And more information. This site by Community Media workshop includes an excellent collection of online tools for all kinds of research, including a "quotation bank" and "The Sun and Everything Under It."

CRAYON, or CReAte Your Own Newspaper. This site allows you to customize your own personal newspaper with U.S. and world news, business and technology reports, editorial, entertainment, and many other subjects. Pay close attention to the instructions, and you' ll be able to view an updated version of "your" newspaper online every day.

TechSearch. This is an incredible research resource, and one that you'll probably return to over and over again. Especially if you happen to enjoy digging for information as much as we do.

iWorld's Guide to Electronic Commerce. This is an excellent resource for all types of business information, including some good articles.

Internet Resources List. You'll find some very good miscellaneous information in this site, so take some time to browse.

Uncover. Need to visit a particular database? You'll find it here, for sure. This site includes them all.

CommerceNet. Excellent source of Internet-related business information. These are the guys who make all the predictions about the Internet -- and they're usually right.

Electronic Newsstand. This site offers a nice feature that lets you create your own custom newsstand, with whatever publications you want. And there are plenty to choose from.

That's it for now, but keep checking back with us for new information, because we're continuously updating our site! And don't forget to add us to your bookmarks.

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